
Autism Awareness and Inclusion Month

  /  Autism Awareness and Inclusion Month
Autism Awareness Month Banner (1)

April may be World Autism Awareness, Appreciation and Inclusion Month but at The Miracle Project we celebrate appreciation and belonging everyday! 

Here are some ways you can celebrate with us this month! 

Triple Threat Showcase

You are invited to attend The Miracle Project’s Virtual Triple Threat Showcase!

Students will be performing selections from some of Broadway’s best shows and debuting original vocals and choreography. Attendees will also have access to miracles in the making through behind the scenes footage from our 2020-2021 Triple Threat class. This celebration of diverse abilities will leave you smiling, singing, and inspired.

Suggested Donation: $20

Spring Sing! Sing-a-Long April 12 4pm

You are invited to attend The Miracle Project’s virtual Spring Sing! Sing-A-Long in honor of Autism Awareness Month!  We’ll be singing a musical medley of our favorite Broadway, Disney and Pop tunes that celebrate inclusivity and spring! Join Miracle Project musical directors and community members for a fun, engaging and truly uplifting musical experience that will have you singing your heart out and dancing up a storm via Zoom. We’ll also get a chance to celebrate the April birthdays of our beloved community members.

Don’t forget to tell your friends! The Miracle Project is a fully inclusive theater, film and expressive arts program focused on building communication, self-esteem, job and social skills for individuals with autism and all abilities – speaking and non-speaking.

Suggested Donations: $15

The Influencer on Broadway on Demand

The Miracle Project’s original musical The Influencer  is now available to rent on Broadway On-Demand the #1 streaming service for Broadway shows and musicals! We are excited and honored to be the first original virtual musical starring a neurodiverse cast to be selected to be on Broadway On-Demand!

The Influencer was filmed and produced entirely during quarantine in the Spring of 2020 and originally premiered online for The Miracle Project community in June 2020. The Influencer is now available to rent through Broadway On-Demand, with a percentage of proceeds going to support The Miracle Project.

Seven Keys to Unlock Autism

Elaine Hall’s Seven Keys To Unlock Autism was recently selected as one of the 15 best books on autism by the website Choosing Therapy. Coach E’s Seven Keys are the foundation of The Miracle Project’s methodology and an invaluable piece of all we do aim to achieve.

This Autism Awareness Month – please consider buying a copy and learning more about what makes our work so miraculous for those on the autism spectrum.

of One Breath - Featuring Performers with Autism and of All Abilities

“of One Breath” is an original song featuring performers with and without disabilities – including Broadway, TV and music recording artists. Written, filmed, and produced all during COVID-19, “of One Breath” is a powerful reminder that although we may be perceived as different and live in a world where we feel so divided, we are all “created from love, made of one breath.” This original song is an inspiring musical declaration that no one is broken, no one is less-than, no one is alone and we are all whole and holy.

Written by acclaimed musician Hazzan Mike Stein, “of One Breath” is a production of The Miracle Project and was arranged by H.B. Barnum who was Aretha Franklin’s musical arranger for 30 years and features culturally diverse artists with and without disabilities – speaking and non-speaking, including Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary, Broadway performers, and television stars.